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354 Elton Hills Dr. NW, # 18
Rochester, MN 55901
Phone (507) 280-5923
Bachelor in Fine Arts – Digital Art: Studio Art and Photography,
University of Minnesota, School of Fine Arts, Duluth, MN - May 2009,
Associate in Science – Digital Art: Computer Art and Design, Rochester
Community and Technical College, Rochester, MN 2007,
Bachelor Degree in Law –University of Zagreb, Croatia, Faculty of Law,
Zagreb, Croatia 1977
- Barlow Event Center, Rochester MN, Novenber 23-27, 2011
- Crossings Gallery, Zumbrota MN, February - March 2010
- Plein Air on the Zumbro, Crossings Gallery, Zumbrota, MN 2009
- The Covered Bridge Show, Zumbrota MN 2009
- Facing – Individual exhibition, UMD, Rochester, MN 2009
- Annual Exhibit of Students’ Works, RCTC, Rochester, MN 2009
- Annual Exhibit of Students’ Works, RCTC, Rochester, MN 2008
- Annual Exhibit of Student’s Works, RCTC, Rochester, MN 2007
Relevant Knowledge:
Adobe Photo Shop, Illustrator, InDesign, Audition; Microsoft Power
Point and Word; Final Cut Pro; PC and Mac platforms; digital and
film photography, video; painting in oil, acrylic and water colors,
drawing in charcoal, pencil, and ink; corporate design, packaging;
typography; writing; art theory and history; multilingual and multi-